US President Donald Trump hit a home run with his first address to
the United States Congress. Supporters are elated and the speech even
surprised critics.
Trump’s address marked a shift away from his usual bombastic
campaign language and style. At a time of unusual polarization in US society,
he appeared calm, cool, and collected, making his key points, and making an
appeal for national unity.
Over 40 million people are estimated to have watched the speech.
His winning presidential style projected in measured terms a thoughtful,
sincere, optimistic, and compassionate national leader.
Trump won the election by responding to the deep concerns of
Americans about their economy, their security, and their future.
Polling data was clear that the public wanted concrete and
practical solutions to these issues.
His address reprised his key election campaign themes and
emphasized that he was already working on solutions.
After a highly charged campaign season, a difficult transition
process, and a bumpy first month in office, Trump’s address calmed the
nation. He reassured Americans that he would be a leader for all citizens
and that he wants inclusive solutions for the nation’s present ills.
There is no avoiding the hard realities that face the United
States after sixteen years of unnecessary wars and lackluster leadership.
Trillions of dollars have been wasted on foreign ventures which
have destabilized the Middle East and Central Europe. And a “pivot to
nowhere” increased tensions in the Asia-Pacific.
Now in office, Trump must get down to the business of
governing. It takes any new administration a number of months to get
organized and fully staffed.
Divisions within the Republican Party, among various factions,
must be managed in order to move essential legislation and policies
forward. Responsible Democrats must be drawn into cooperation where
While the address focused mostly on the domestic front, there were
some foreign policy indications. As expected, Trump bluntly expressed a
firm response to international terrorism and radical Islam.
But, significantly, he left the door open to improving relations
with Russia and to developing relations with China. Former harsh campaign
rhetoric was gone and was replaced by a diplomatic tone and a vision
emphasizing peace where possible.
With respect to China, Trump recently emphasized his commitment to
the One China Policy. This opens the door for constructive cooperation
during his administration. He appeared to signal that his approach will
be one of negotiation and not confrontation.
Overall, the address was an excellent beginning. Now comes
the hard work of making actions match words.
(Dr. Kiracofe is an author and former senior professional staff
member of the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. The article solely
reflects the author's opinion, not the views of CGTN.)
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